Nellore Run 2018 - Nellore Marathon 2018

Posted by admin 18/10/2018 0 Comment(s)

*Nellore Marathon 2018* is the fourth edition of Nellore Run conducted by Nellore Runners Trust on 28th October 2018 and the event takes place at AC Subba reddy government medical college.


Before running for the Nellore Marathon let us give you a glimpse about few interesting and motivating factors to inspire for a marathon and here it goes -


When it comes to the name, the word #marathon comes from the legend of Phillippides, the greek messenger who was sent from ‘Battle of Marathon’ to Athens who announced that the Persians were defeated in the Battle.


To cover the knwoledge side of it, a Full marathon has an official distance of 42.195 Kilometres and got included in 1896 Olympics for the first time and the best record time to finish Full Marathon is 2:01:39 winning Gold in Olympics 2018.


To give a list of few benefits by running a marathon are herewith :

  1. You will stay Motivated
  2. You will burn lots of calories
  3. You will feel fit
  4. You will have lifetime of bragging rights
  5. You will discover new You
  6. Your Training will have more structure to it

And one best reason is


Well, What should be kept in mind while preparing for Nellore Run 2018 - Nellore Marathon 2018 is here:

  1. Don’t try anything new
  2. Run the day before the race
  3. Get enough sleep
  4. Be mind-ready
  5. Choose the right fitness gear
  6. Clock your run
  7. Relax and Chill Out
  8. In-take Carbohydrate food more before three days to marathon
  9. Don’t Panic

Register today for the Nellore Run 2018 - Nellore Marathon 2018 at

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Terms and conditions:

A registration Form with disclaimer and declaration from the organizers of the Race need to be filled which our executive will guide and please ensure to collect race kit which will be issued at "Minerva Grand" on 27th October between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Reporting Time will be mentioned on the registration form handed to you. Registration Fee includes Dry Fit T-Shirt + Timing Chip + Goody Bag + Finsihers Medal + Post Run BreakFast and Timing Certificate (For timed runs).

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